Our Services
The daycare offers a safe, and nurturing learning environment to infants, toddlers, and school-age children. In addition, we provide 3K instruction using DOE resources.
New Born to 1 year old
Babies learn to focus their vision and reach out via crying when feeling discomfort. During this stage, babies form bonds of love and trust with their parents, and others shaping their social and emotional development. They are in constant need of cuddles, holding, and interactions with caregivers. They are learning language and start making babbling sounds. Babies will learn to develop fine and gross motors skills such as grabbing, crawling, and walking.
1 year old - 3 years old
Toddlers move around more, and are aware of themselves, and their surroundings. They have a great desire to explore new objects, form simple sentences, and follow simple instructions. During this stage, toddlers will show greater independence, begin to show defiant behavior, imitate the behavior of others, and recognize others & themselves.
3 years old to 12 years old
School-age children are more independent and focus more building relationships with other children and adults. Their interactions with family and those around them will help to shape their personality and their own way of thinking. They will want to explore and ask more complex questions.