Childcare Fee Policy:

Fees are based on enrollment (a reserved space) and not on attendance. Fees are due weekly on Mondays and must be paid in full during the absence of the child, regardless of illness, closings, holidays, vacations, and emergencies.

Arrival and Departures:

Parents are required to sign attendance sheets for their child on a daily basis. For your convenience, a sign in & out sheet, and pen will be located by the entry door. Please, make an effort to pick-up your child on time. If your expected to arrive late, please call the daycare to notify us. The daycare opens at 8am and closes at 6pm, but we are flexible to the needs of the family enrolling the child.


Please, avoid tight clothes. Children should be able to move comfortably. Shoes should be comfortable size for the children.

Potty Training:

Child must be at least 2 years old for potty training. We don’t force potty-training on any child, regardless of age. Some children start potty training at earlier ages, depending on the child’s developmental capacity. Potty training will be an on-going conversation with caregivers. Avoid tight clothes, belts, and overalls if your child is potty training.


We do small parties with only parents. Parents are allowed to bring food and drinks to the birthday parties.

Medical Immunizations:

Child must have immunization up-to-date, and signed by a licensed physician for enrollment.

Sick Child:

We don’t give medication to sick children. If the child becomes ill during the day, parents will be contacted and child will need to be picked up. The child will not be admitted back into care without a note from the doctor.


Communication is vital between caregivers, and employees. We welcome questions, feedback, and discussions. Sensitive issues, and concerns will be discussed in private.


There is a designed naptime each day for the children. Children will sleep on a mat with fitted, and regular sheets from home. Please, call in advance to avoid waking up other children for early pickup.


Children will engage in age-appropriate activities and will be monitored at all times.